
CEIPES ETS works at local, European and international level in synergy with more than 100 organisations, bodies and institutions with the objective of improving methodologies and technologies in the field of education, developing innovative strategies and participatory tools in the work with youth and adults, in the field of education and research through local and international cooperation.

At local level CEIPES ETS coordinates the CEIPES ETS Network, which is based in Sicily and counts more than 40 members among organisations, public and private bodies. The aim of the network is to promote the cooperation among different stakeholder at local level and to facilitate the access to European opportunities, such as learning mobilities and European cooperation.

At European and international level CEIPES ETS works has a strong cooperation with more than 50 NGOs, universities and public bodies. The common pursued by all the partners is to realize a positive change, to facilitate the social cohesion in the respect of human rights and the active participation of all individuals for their full personal and collective fulfillment.


Empowerment of people, organization and community


Developing potential by
promoting innovation,training, jobs and skills

Project office


The Financial, Logistic and Administration Team supports CEIPES ETS project managers in the budgeting, accounting and logistic organization phases of mobility and meetings.


The Visual, Communication and IT Department of CEIPES ETS deals with the creative, communicative and digital process of the organization, combining the field of communication with that of media and technology. It also includes experts in advanced technological solutions and translators that enable the creation of multilingual content.


The RiseLab Department is responsible for managing the spaces of the CEIPES educational, social and cultural center, built in a property confiscated from the mafia, promoting the redevelopment of the Uditore neighborhood and the entire city of Palermo.

RISE Consulting

RISE Community

RISE Consulting

RISE Consulting

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