INCAI – The second transnational meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania

The INCAI (project number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079191) project explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) practices that are used to develop social inclusion for disadvantaged learners. 

On 7 to 9 February 2022 the second transnational meeting of the project was held in Kaunas, thank to the excellent hosting of the Kaunas Technology University. We had the opportunity to see the great technologic works of the university, visiting their Virtual Reality labs where students can create new products and technologies that make the life and the learning much easier.

We were also able to meet (virtually) Pablo Sanchez, president of the association Medicine Open to The World.

This engineer, along with others, is developing In3, an open source, low-cost incubator, so that the place where a premature baby is born does not limit its chances of survival.

In3 is intended to be a tool for those countries or places that, due to lack of resources, do not have access to an incubator. It is not intended to replace a professional incubator, but to provide a basic health tool that makes a big difference.

In the second day of the meeting, we had the opportunity to listen the presentation of bachelor, master and thesis works of the students of KTU, all focused on using artificial intelligence in various work theme like learning, building, energy management and automatization.

It was an excellent and fruitful meeting, the consortium also had the opportunity to organize and manage the next work of the project, starting from the next learning, training and teaching activity that will be held in Ibi (Alicante) from 25 of April.

If you want to stay updated with the project, you can follow the social page of INCAI: Facebook and Instagram.

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