To increase the skills and knowledge on the most innovative methodologies in adult education: this is the main objective of “NET.QU.AD: Network, Quality and Advocacy in and for Adult Education”, the mobility project for staff that will involve CEIPES in activities aimed at strengthening their skills in the field of lifelong education at international level.

The activities to which CEIPES will take part are:

1. EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference

2. EAEA General Assembly and Annual Conference


Participating in these events will allow the staff involved to:

– Deepen the knowledge on policies, strategies and methodologies in the field of adult education;

– Improve knowledge and skills on strategies and methodologies that guarantee a good quality of educational experiences and evaluation processes;

– To deepen the skills and knowledge regarding the impact of the most modern innovations in the training field, according to more accessible and inclusive paths;

– Expanding the CEIPES network in the field of lifelong and professional learning, according to the sustainability of learning.

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