Name of the Project:  PICTE – HIV: Program of Infection Control HIV Through Education

ProjectNumber: 2018-1-PT01-KA204-047508
Duration: 14 months
Applicant organization: Association Of World Innovation on Science and Health Education – Awishe, Portugal

Organizations Partner:  CEIPES – Italy;  Avangard Personal Consulting Ltd. – Bulgaria; Çorum Başöğretmen Atatürk Primary School – Turkey; Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukaja – Poland

Financed by: European Commission

Key-Action: Key-Action 2- Cooperation for innovation and exchange of Good practices- Strategic partnership – Exchange of Good Practices

From the 13th to the 16th December, the town of Agueda, nearby Aveiro, in Portugal, hosted the first meeting of the project “PICTE – HIV – Program of Infection Control HIV Through Education”, financied by Erasmus+  and coordinated by Association Of World Inovation on Science and Health Education – Awishe (Portugal).

The aim of the project is the realization of an educational programme, in the field of sexual education, addressed to educators and professionals that in turn can transfer it to the youngsters of their communities, according to a preventive perspective, particularly on HIV and AIDS .

During the meeting, held at the “Escola Secundária Adolfo Portela” in Agueda, the involved partners discussed the next steps for the management of the project, during the next months, starting from the next meeting to be held in April, in Poland .

An important element of the meeting was the training, carried out by dr. Rui Suàrez of Awishe, on the program that each partner will have to implement with young people in their community.

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