The 2nd transnational meeting of the project TI4PES (Teaching ICT for people with Special Learning Disorders), that took place in Warsaw (Poland) on 16th and 17th May 2018.
The project is fund by Europan Commission (Erasmus+ program, KA2, Strategic Partnership).

The project manager Fulvio Grassadonio from CEIPES has participated at this meeting with all the other partners: Professional association and institution “AEVA” (Portugal), National Centre for Dislexia “Paerva” (Bulgaria), Special Pedagogy Academy “Marii Grzegorzewskiej” (Poland) and the project coordinator: Hytton Technologies (Sweden).

Nowadays the partners are working to the first two Intellectual Outputs, aimed to have a state of art of the learning pathways of people with Special Learning Disorders (SpLD) in the field of VET, and to support VET teachers and trainers (especially in field of ICT) to deal with this specific target group.

The results of the first intellectual output with the overmentioned state of art will be ready and available on the official project website ( at the end of June.

This summer the partners will develop the handbook about teaching to people with SpLD for VET teachers.

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