PRIORITY45 – A Competency Map on skills of 45+ adults

The consortium of the Priority 45 project (2022-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000087183) has launched the Competency Map on the actual skills and needs of 45+ adults, based on a deep research and several encounters with experts and stakeholders.  

For partners it is very important to have the point of view of the target group, since in this way they can understand more directly what are the needs and main competences that 45+ adults would like to improve in the workplace.  

In this sense, the partners have developed the Competency Map on skills related to the working environment for 45+ adults, which will be the basis of the development of the Priority 45 Virtual Course. The Competency Map can be found in English on the project website in its detailed version as a Report or summarised in an Infographic.  

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