Miradouro Lisboa - Papel de Parede

Un nuovo seminario internazionale, intitolato “3E: new training tools on inclusion and active citizenship for youth workers’ empowerment è stato approvato in Portogallo. Quindi CEIPES è alla ricerca di 2 partecipanti italiani che siano interessati a questo progetto.

Periodo:  Dal 9 al 16 marzo
Dove: Lisbona (Portogallo)
Partecipanti: 2

Lingua del progetto: Inglese


Youth organizations working on participation and inclusion are looking for more effective initiatives and creative educational tool to attract young people.

Youth democratic participation at EU level is still underdeveloped; many youth are unaware of the power they could have to change society, while others are unable to “read” the reality and take part on it.

Youth work has less recognition than what it should have and in many countries youth organizations are not seen by the traditional political actors as key stakeholder in the social and political arena.


Having in mind this scenario the project “3Eto3I” has as objectives:

– to improve the quality of non formal education (NFE) activities by developing and testing innovative training and learning tools for more effective and inclusive youth initiatives;

– to support the professional development of those working in training and youth field by exchanging best practices and creating through a participatory and peer-review approach new educational tools able to attract and effectively involve young people;

– to enhance a transnational cooperation within youth organizations having different expertises and create a trustful and long lasting network of youth workers with high training standards jointly created through the seminar and assessed through the training course;

– to broader the understanding of youth practices and increase the recognition and the international dimension of youth worker’s role by developing high quality mobility and networking experiences and disseminating their outcomes through an Open Educational Resources;

– to promote active citizenship and stimulate the participation of young people in policy-making initiatives enabling them to behave as active and informed citizens;

– to promote inclusive growth by raising sense of initiative and positive self-awareness among the disadvantage young people involving them in innovative, peer, cooperative and learner centred pedagogical dynamics.


Seminar “3E: new training tools on inclusion and active citizenship for youth workers’ empowerment”

The seminar, as clarified by the first part of the project title (3E), will be about:

– Exchange experience, tools and best practices;

– Empower trainers with new NFE training tools for professional development;

– Engage youth organizations in a coordinated effort towards the modernization, internationalization and recognition of youth work.

The main part of the Seminar is the presentation of best practices and the sharing of innovative NFE activities regarding inclusion and active citizenship followed by peer-review sessions to assess effectiveness and attractiveness of each presented tool.

Having in mind the tools and activities presented, the group will design together a new training module to be implemented and tested during the second phase of the project.


Youth workers con competenze specifiche sulle politiche giovanili, attività per l’inclusione sociale ed utilizzo dell’educazione non formale per la cittadinanza attiva.

Condizioni economiche:
– Vitto ed alloggio sono coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante.
– I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 100% su un massimale di spesa di 275 euro a persona. Spese superiori saranno a carico dei partecipanti.
– Quota di partecipazione 50 euro (tessera associativa CEIPES)


[notice]Per candidarsi compilare l’application form entro e non oltre le ore 16.00 del 13/01/2015 ed inviarla al seguente indirizzo e-mail: irene.capozzi@ceipes.org[/notice]

Document_IconSPIN.Application form participants

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