D.o.D. – The project closes, but the fight against disinformation does not stop! 

The project D.o.D. – Democracy over Disinformation, co-funded by the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) programme, comes to a conclusion after two years. The consortium, consisting of partners from Lithuania, Germany and Italy, has reached important milestones along the way. 3 international conferences, respectively in Kaunas, Palermo and Berlin, a methodological tool in 4 languages available on an online Moodle platform, a website.  

The most important thing, however, has been to convey to European citizens the importance of fighting against disinformation, fake news and to become savvy individuals in the selection of news. 

The project has therefore fully achieved its aim: to try to counter the widespread misinformation in our society by providing citizens, not only in the three countries of the consortium but throughout Europe, with important resources and methods for recognizing false news, expose it and bring the truth to light. 

Although the project has come to an end, it does not stop there: the consortium will continue to work hard to combat the phenomenon of disinformation and surely, it is well aware that although the road to the eradication of bad journalism is still long and tortuous, important steps have been taken and goals achieved. A battle was certainly won, but the war on disinformation is not over yet. 

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