CICEE-T – Knowledge Development Report  

The CICEE-T Project Consortium is pleased to announce the development of the project’s first output: “Knowledge Development Report“.  

The document provides detailed information on the work carried out by the CICEE-T partnership on the results of three tasks undertaken with the aim  of deepening and analysing knowledge of Safe Sport coach education, cultural barriers manifested in sport for the North Mediterranean countries, and beliefs formulating coaches’ intentions for receiving SS coach training and delivering Safe Sport coaching in the partner countries.  

By conducting this analysis, the Partnership was able to collect interesting information useful for the development of an e-toolbox for coach training on Safe Sport and Safeguarding. 

To achieve the expected results, the Consortium worked hard in this months to develop the Report Document by conducting research on:  

  • Training initiatives for coaches on safe sport in all partner countries (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, Italy and Belgium); 
  • Cultural barriers in sport for Northern Mediterranean countries; 
  • Beliefs formulating coaches’ intentions to receive Safe Sport coach training and Safe Sport coaching in Northern Mediterranean countries. 

The research was carried out by implementing three main activities: mapping the partners’ Safe Sport coach, qualitative research on cultural barriers in partner countries, and online quantitative survey on coaches’ beliefs on Safe Sport and intentions for receiving necessary education on it. 

Within the report, it will be possible to explore the new evidence-based knowledge into sections, focal areas, content and approaches to the content that will be used for the next step of the Project: The CICEE-T e-toolbox. 

The “Knowledge Development Report“ are now available and downloaded on the CICEE-T Project Website. 

To stay up-to-date on the next steps of the project, follow the social channels : Facebook and Twitter

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