SEE BRIDGE – CBAM New Reporting Requirements & Open Call Opportunities for SMEs  

On September 10, 2024, an informative webinar took place, focusing on the new CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) reporting regulations and the opportunities provided by the SEE BRIDGE Open Call for SMEs in energy-intensive sectors. 

The webinar was conducted as follows, to begin with a warm welcome and introduction by Banu Altın, who kicked off the session with general information about the program and the event’s objectives. 

Larisa Vodeb introduced the SEE BRIDGE project, which offers support and funding to SMEs to foster their green and digital transitions. 

Maria Romero Olid discussed the updated CBAM regulations, outlining the new reporting requirements that companies need to meet to comply with European regulations. 

Gergana Dimitrova provided detailed information on the Open Call, explaining how SMEs in energy-intensive sectors can access funding to promote sustainable innovation. 

During the Q&A session, Romero Olid and Dimitrova addressed participants’ questions and clarified any doubts. 

Closing remarks by Fatma Ünal wrapped up the webinar, emphasizing the importance of these initiatives for the future of SMEs. 

The webinar provided a clear overview of how companies can adapt to the new CBAM regulations and seize the opportunities offered by the SEE BRIDGE Open Call for sustainable growth. 

For more details and consultation, you can watch the webinar recording via this link

Useful and Important links: 

See Bridge Open Call registration 

Open Call Guidelines 

Follow and visit the See Bridge Website, Facebook, X and Linkedin pages. 

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