GamEUfying – Project comes to an end! 

The Erasmus+ project “GamEUfying” is reaching its end. After months of hard work and marvelous moments of joy and growth, the adventure that started in 2022, has come to an end.  

During these months, the project, centered on the use of gamification to enhance youth knowledge about the EU, has demonstrated its commitment with youth empowerment. Many european youngsters -from Italy, Portugal and Spain- have joined this exciting trip whether participating in the GamEUfying laboratories, playing with the games developed, or traveling to Spain for participating in a simulation of some of the most influential European Institutions.  

This experience has also been an extremely enriching one for the project’s consortium partners:   CEIPES from Italy, Rosto Solidario from Portugal, and ASPAYM and CJCyL from Spain. Partners have learned from each other, exchanging good practices and tools to keep improving the quality of their work.  

But GamEUfying doesn’t end here! Its results continue to be freely available to the public in order to allow more and more youth workers, youngsters and others, to keep using them. This includes four different games with diverse topics centered on European culture, history and politics. They are all included in a detailed guide, accompanied also by a YouTube video. A second guide is also available to guide you in the organization of a role playing activity to work on the functioning of European Institutions and procedures. Everything is available on the GamEUfying website!  

In conclusion, the Erasmus+ project has left us many important learnings, but the most important one is very simple: we can learn while having fun, so… keep playing! 

Continue to follow the project on Facebook and Instagram!

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