INCAI – Focus Group about the Artificial Intelligence for the promotion of inclusion and education

The main objective of the INCAI project (2020-1-UK01-KA204-079191) is compare, share and identify and promote good practice that can enhance the inclusion of adults from disadvantaged groups in education and learning. 

On the 30th of May 2023, CEIPES organised the second focus group in Italy about AI, inclusion and adult education. It was held online with the participation of 6 adult educators. The moderator presented the INCAI project and the different activities that partners did in the whole duration of the project, as well as examples of the good practises they could learn and experience. 

Afterwards, the participants started the discussion and reflection about how artificial intelligence tools can help both teachers and students in the field of learning and adult education. Besides, there was space to reflect about the ethics and social implications in decision-making that such instruments can have.

To avoid problems of prejudice and discrimination, the participants expressed the need for programmers and different professionals to take into account this type of error and to seek solutions to build a society that promotes inclusion. 

Don’t miss any news about the project following its social media accounts: Facebook and Instagram

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