Network for Inclusion, Development and Empowerment

The RiseLab Centre, established in a property confiscated from the Mafia, is a social incubator that generates interventions to promote social inclusion and active participation. Located in a suburb of Palermo, it offers educational services to different targets, making social innovation its strong point. It runs an Employment Agency, training courses and educational activities, a Library of Things, a web radio, an Infodesk on European opportunities, a pocket Cine-Theatre, an Empowerment Museum and an educational escape room.

Rise community

Area of RISE focused on neighbourhood regeneration, offering extracurricular support and non-formal education to young people in the neighbourhood, a Library of Things, a web radio, courses for adults, involvement of young people with fewer opportunities (with disabilities or in USSM care), care of green areas in the area and European Infodesk.

Biblioteca delle cose
Workshops for kids
English course for adults
Collaboration with USSM
Web radio
Tempo d'estate

Biblioteca delle cose

The 'Biblioteca delle Cose' is a real lending service and at the same time of circular economy, of sharigng of objects and knowledge. To know more:

Workshops for kids

CEIPES promotes free recreational activities based on non-formal education in order to enable beneficiaries to use the organisation's spaces and acquire new skills in the arts and languages.

English course for adults

The course is structured according to the needs of the participants and promotes the inclusion of all age groups. Lessons include grammar and listening exercises and role-plays to stimulate conversation.

Collaboration with USSM

CEIPES ETS has been successfully collaborating since 2021 with the Office of Social Services for Minors (USSM) of Palermo in the implementation of several probation programmes for some of the neighbourhood's youngsters.

Web radio

The web radio Ang in radio - CEIPES Youth is in the air, part of the Italian Youth Agency's Digital Radio Network, run by young volunteers, has been active since 2019.

Tempo d'estate

A summer camp, the result of collaboration with the Oratorio Sant Alfonso and the New Garden Centre, aimed at children aged 6 to 13, marked by creative workshops and play activities active during the months of June and July

Rise education

CEIPES is an organization recognized by the Regional Department of Education and Professional Training of the Region of Sicily, with accreditation measure DDS n.512 of 19_06_2023. Inside the centre is a STEAM laboratory with 3D printers, virtual reality and software for processing augmented reality, a place for experimentation, research and innovation available to both the individual and the entire Sicilian community.
CEIPES, through the provision of guidance and training services characterized by innovative methodologies, promotes the professional growth of young people and adults in the area, as well as of Public Administration personnel, a process that is part of the broader one of fostering social cohesion within the neighbourhood of reference and of the entire citizenry.

Rise experience

Area of RISE offering various educational experiences for young people and adults: the MADE - an experiential Museum of Empowerment, an educational escape room and a Cine - pocket theatre for small performances.



MADE - Museo Analogico Digitale dell'Empowerment, an interactive museum on the topics of sustainability, gender identity and migration, aims to stimulate young people on active citizenship behaviour


CEIPES' educational escape room, focusing on the topic of discrimination, is open to all young people from 14 years of age. Five scenarios are available: racism, borders, passports, bullying, disability.

Rise consulting

Since 2020 CEIPES has been an Employment Agency providing the following services: active labour policies; recruitment processes for companies; customised career guidance and placement activities for extra-curricular traineeships. We support the most disadvantaged categories of workers to reposition themselves in the labour market, helping to design their career paths for inclusion and participation in community life. In addition, we are careful to ensure fair and sustainable employment through our work. Our work takes place within a network of different local actors: training institutions, CAF (Tax Assistance Centre) companies, SMEs.

Active labor policies
Placement internships
Career Guidance

Active labor policies

Employment incentive programmes that provide pathways for the enhancement of transversal and entrepreneurial skills of people with difficulties in accessing the labour market for various reasons.

Placement internships

Don't miss out on advantageous offers for the activation of a traineeship. CEIPES manages the entire process of application, activation, monitoring and renewal of traineeships (with possible selection of the trainee)


We implement recruitment projects for profiles ranging from middle management to executive level. CEIPES offers its expertise in the search and profiling of the best candidates.

Career Guidance

CEIPES organises first- and second-level specialised orientation courses, providing activities ranging from skills assessment to mock interviews and the drafting of a work project.

RISE Mobility

Area of RISE that offers training courses, mobility for young people and staff, placements for VET students, volunteering through the European Solidarity Corps programme. CEIPES uses its expertise to structure mobility training opportunities for different target groups. It hosts European volunteers from different countries or enables this experience abroad through the ESC programme. It organises training courses in its centre on different topics that can be selected through the online catalogue or can be designed according to specific training needsi Finally, it also supports mobility courses for European vocational schools, playing the role of intermediary organisation, offering its expertise for traineeship placements.

ESC - Sending and hosting
Ka1 Youth Learners
Ka1 Adult learners
Ka1 Vet learners

ESC - Sending and hosting

As part of the European ‘European Solidarity Corps’ programme, CEIPES sends young people between the ages of 18 and 30 across Europe and welcomes them to its premises

Ka1 Youth Learners

Ceipes invests in individual mobility for learning purposes. To this end, it offers different target groups the opportunity to participate in Training Courses throughout Europe

Ka1 Adult learners

CEIPES offers training courses for teachers and staff of organisations, which can be funded through the Erasmus Plus programme: Mobility of Staff. COURSES

Ka1 Vet learners

CEIPES implements mobility schemes for vocational school students. Our role as an intermediary organisation allows us to identify interesting traineeship opportunities in various fields.

Rise Opportunity

CEIPES ETS invests in the empowerment and training of young people, students, youth workers, teachers and adults at both national and European level.

Servizio civile
Simple volunteering
English course
Painting workshop
Summer Time

Servizio civile

Every year CEIPES implements Universal Civil Service projects to support the culture of volunteering. Through these opportunities, we bring young people closer to the world of the third sector.


Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Do you want to use your skills, travel, meet new people and get to know other cultures? Participate in the European Solidarity Corps programme


Subscribe to our Comunity to find out our training proposals financed by the European Union:

Simple volunteering

Are you interested in acquiring new skills or improving existing ones by making a contribution to the community in which you live? Join us and become a CEIPES volunteer! For info write to

English course

Are you over 18 years old? Starting from scratch or want to improve your English? Sign up for our free course. For info write to:

Painting workshop

Are you a creative person and would you like to explore different painting techniques? Sign up for our painting course. For info write to:

Summer Time

In June and July it is ‘summer time’: a series of recreational activities for children aged 6 to 13. For more information write to:

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