PROMOTE – The project has started to support prison services and professionals

The University of Valladolid in Spain has hosted the first project meeting of the project PROMOTE on the 14th and 15th of May.

The PROMOTE Project – Promoting Integrated Professional Development for Prison Practitioners in Vocational Excellence for Offender Integration focuses on the reskilling of prison practitioners to support offenders’ re-integration into society.

The partnership is composed by 18 organizations representing the ecosystem around correctional systems to bring together various and complementary expertise and backgrounds belong to public and private sector. The countries involved in this process of harmonizing competences and skills in the correctional field are Romania, Italy, Spain, The Netherland, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, Germany, Denmark and Turkey. The first project meeting allowed partners to solve doubts, and clarifying steps of implementation.

The project, among other results, will produce reports including survey and interview data and analysis, policy review and Inspiring Practices: collecting empirical data, analyzing existing practices, and reviewing policies related to professional training in the correctional system; Physical set up of the CoVE (Centre of Vocational Excellence) including the development of its governance structure; Curriculum framework including the creation of an online learning platform and virtual simulations to empower correctional staff to facilitate the development of essential skills and attitudes among convicted individuals; Certification Concepts and Mechanisms; Sustainable partnership; Best Practices Handbook; Face-to-Face training sessions & Transnational Joint Training Program.

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