OaC:My goal

Project Number: 603021-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-SPO-SCP
Timespan of the Project: 01/2019 – 12/2020

Project E-mail: info@ceipes.org

Financial Program: Collaborative Partnership in the filed of Sport
  1. To create the awareness of the important of health-enhancing physical activity for cancer patients
  2. Gain easier access to and facilitate participation in outdoor sporting activities for the cancer patients and survivors
  3. Generate evidence-based knowledge about the situation of cured cancer patients regarding access, participation and volunteering in special physical activities.
  4. To develop social inclusion of cancer patients by physical activity.
  • Management and Supervision
  • Implementation : to organize European events
  • Monitoring and Preparation of the project, with meetings
  • Monitoring and Evaluation, with research and graduation work
  • Dissemination: Create a online platform (Homepage, Webside) and use social media.
  1. Management and Supervision
  2. Train the Trainer
  3. Events: European Week of Sports, Let’s rock cancer, open taster courses
  4. To create online platform
  5. To use the social media
  6. Meetings
  7. Scientific research
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