NEWECOSMART – Project holds a Twin Transition and Social Innovation Hackathon 

From 18 to 20 September, the NewEcoSmart project consortium organised an online hackathon entitled: ‘Sustainability in Action: Hacking for a Greener Future!’. Teams from Spain, Portugal and Italy participated in the event, creating an interesting and challenging competition on a national basis.  

In the challenge, it was possible to choose which macro-topic wanted to be tackled in the broader, common framework of rural areas. The options were: green skills, digital skills, social innovation and habitat sector. It must be said that all participating groups presented interesting and innovative solutions, seeking to address real challenges and close to the needs of communities in rural areas.  

The first part involved an in-depth exploration of the four challenges, exploration and conception of the problems to be addressed, and productive team collaboration with the guidance of a mentor. On the second day, the teams had to develop their idea, their solution to the identified problem, and then present it on the third and final day in front of the jury.  

Congratulations to the winners from the Italian teams AGORA, NEXUS, and NCCS and to the winners from the Portuguese teams GeoAID, Connect 45+, and BTTB! 
For the Spanish team, as there was only one group, a new version will be reviewed later. 

Follow the project on Linkedin and visit the official website page.

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