Training to win – BMX-T

Training to win – BMX-T

Training to win – BMX-T h Project details Project number:  622085-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-SPO-SCP Timespan of the project: 01/01/2021 – 30/06/2023 Website E-Learning FollowFollow  Program details Financing program:  Erasmus Plus Sport – Collaborative Partnerships ...
PADIGE – Participatory Design of Initiatives on Gender Equality

PADIGE – Participatory Design of Initiatives on Gender Equality

PADIGE – Participatory Design of Initiatives on Gender Equality h Project details Project number:  2020-3-FR02-KA205-018465 Timespan of the project: 01-04-2021 / 31-03-2023 Website FollowFollow  Program details Financing program:  Erasmus+ Programme  Contact details...