RE-WRITE – Creating New Opportunities

The RE-WRITE (acronymous for “Resources for Education in Writing Radio Plays to Inspire Transition into Creative Employment”) project is focused on creating new opportunities in the creative and digital audio sector for adults belonging to fragile categories, such as the unemployed, former prisoners seeking to reintegrate into society, the elderly, women, etc.

On 10th of June, the first phase (or piloting phase) of the project ended: during it, three young unemployed adults, supervised by an educator and a psychologist, had the opportunity to get involved in the project. The first phase of the project consisted in administering six podcasts to the participants; the podcasts contained simple, practical and fun exercises aimed at making a personal radio work. The young adults gladly accepted the challenge and got involved by showing interest and enthusiasm. Great participation was also shown by the trainers, who found themselves working with a varied but extremely receptive group.

The project partners (from United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Romania and Italy) have all completed the first pilot phase: the results and considerations regarding this experience will be discussed and shared during the third project meeting, which will be held in Palermo, Italy, on June 21st and 22nd.

Read more about the project on its website, Instagram and Twitter pages.

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