RADIO THEATER – Hopes for the future

This is it: on 30th September 2022, the ‘Radio-Theater: Tales of the Quarantine’ project officially ended. The consortium partners have worked with perseverance and commitment for almost two years and have completed all the tasks they set themselves, achieving concrete and important goals.

Indeed, with the official publication of the 10 podcasts per country and the handbook for young educators, a finale full of expectations for the future (but also with a lot of sadness) has finally been reached: the project was in fact an opportunity for the partners (Consejo de la Juventud de Castilla y León, Aspaym, GAMMA Institute, Rosto Solidario and CEIPES) to work together and help each other. 

With the organisation of all the local events (useful for publicising all the results achieved in connection with the project), the four online trainings and the uploading of the podcasts and the manual onto the main dissemination platforms, the project’s implementation phase was officially brought to a point.

A point probably suspended: in fact, the consortium partners expressed their willingness to undertake future collaborations in other areas and are looking forward to getting involved again.

This time, with many new skills and competences and with the awareness that they are no longer just work colleagues, but something more: friends capable of supporting each other.

This is the spirit of Erasmus+ projects: not only achieving a concrete result for the community, but also creating strategic partnerships and consolidating human relationships, which are, without a doubt, the only thing that counts at the end of the day.

The ‘Radio-Theater’ project, however, does not really end here: you can continue to follow the story of the project on the official website and the main social networks (see below) and download all the content created by the consortium on Anchor and Spotify.

So it is not a real goodbye: but a farewell full of hope and new opportunities!

You can still follow important updates about the project on its website, Facebook and Instagram

Download and listen to the podcasts here: Podcasts

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