Teaching ICT for People with Specific Learning Disorders

Project Number: 2017-1-SE01-KA202-034573
Timespan of the Project: 01-10-2017- 30-09-2019

Project E-mail: info@ceipes.org

  • To increase the ICT and software development skills and competences of people with learning disabilities for employment and improving VET trainers’ skills;
  • To foster transnational cooperation ;
  • To deliver quality and innovative training material in the field of learning disabilities.
  • The training modules will offer the necessary theoretical background together with case studies that will prepare the learner before the practical experience.
  • The project will boost the supply of suitably qualified ICT VET trainers, and it will allow the enhancement of skills in an up-to-date and European framework.
  • Impact on potential stakeholders such as people with disabilities and special needs as well as VET providers and Software Development Company consist in the opportunity to benefit from the e-training package also after the funding period, delivering new e–training courses.

Establishment of innovative and qualitative training methods in a EU.

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