SPOTI – Putting the “unheard gender” in spotlight

Project Number: 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006446
Timespan of the Project: 01/11/2019 – 30/04/2021

Project E-mail:

Financial Program: Erasmus+ Programme – KA2- Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
  • To support the exchange of good practices on gender sensitiveness aimed to overcome the existing difficulties about the involvement of men and boys in the engagement of educational services as beneficiaries;
  • The knowledge transfer concerning the stereotypical and extremely polarised views of masculinity and femininity, mainstream competences, well-equilibrated approach of non-toxic masculinity as well as gender fluidity, and inclusive teaching of heterogeneous groups
  • To overcome gender stereotypes that affect both men and women, and restrict their full capabilities
  •  Inclusion of men-specific perspectives in gender issues as something unique and healthy to bring benefits of gender equality to all individuals and members of communities and societies;
  • Knowledge of the good practices that allows to transfer appropriate and impactful activities/campaigns concerned about gender equality;
  • Skills in the practical use of the tools and guidelines that should be used in each partner organisation in order to plan, implement and monitor gender sensitiveness across their training and services arrangements.
  • Improvement of knowledge in anti-discriminatory and gender awareness approaches, methodologies, tools and curriculum matters
  • Capacity building on gender equality and overcome stereotypical understandings of what is masculine and what is feminine
    awareness about obstacles (and facilitators) for and effective and larger engagement of men in learning/training programs or other social projects
  • Specific short-staff trainings
  • Development of capacities for awareness-raising campaigns on institutional and local level on gender stereotypes
  • Facilitate networking between projects partners
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