Project Number: 2018-2-FR02-KA205-014799
Timespan of the Project: 01-12-2018 – 30-11-2020

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Financial Program: Erasmus plus – Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, in field of Youth.hange of Good Practices
  • To increase the capacities of those involved in sport and to develop citizenship education through sporting values ​​and belonging to the sports community
  • To improve the capacities of actors to detect and preventing the risks of violent radicalization among young people with identity-building difficulties and at odds with institutions
  • To promote the use of sport as a lever for greater participation of all young people in life democratic and civic, encourage diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, promote the common European values ​​of freedom, tolerance and respect for human rights
  • To develop the capacities of sports educators and facilitators to promote and transmit positive sports values ​​to young people, in particular towards young people in fragile
  • Development of benchmark of good practices for preventing violent radicalization through sports citizenship
  • Development of a methodological guide to support the development of “sports citizenship” in sports clubs and youth organizations
  • Development of a toolkit and online training for youth workers and sports educators to prevent radicalization leading to violent extremism in sports
  • A better understanding of the processes leading certain young people to radicalize in sports: vulnerabilities and points of vigilance detected depending on the context
  • Better knowledge of good citizenship education practices in sport and through sport
  • A rise in competence of youth workers and sports educators in the prevention of radicalization and citizenship education
  • Development and experimentation in several European territories with innovative tools: Benchmark of good practices for the development of active citizenship by and in European Sport; methodological guide for the co-construction of a “sports citizenship” in sports and by sport; toolbox and online training for youth workers and sports educators on prevention of radicalization leading to violent extremism in sports
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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