Project Number: 2017-1-ES01-KA204-037935
Timespan of the Project: 01-09-17 / 31-08-19

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Financial Program: Erasmusplus – Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • Analyse found shortcomings and propose improvements for the platform design (used in Fuengirola school EOI) as well as select and implement tools that support the teaching labour through the platform,giving the possibility to reduce the abandonment rate of both students and teachers desertion;
  • Enhance the blended learning mobility tools through the training for trainers.
  • Questionnaires to be completed by EOI Fuengirola school students and teachers regarding the difficulties in the use of the spanish platform;
  • Individuate suggestions about the possible compatible supporting tools in order to improve platform use;
  • Creation of common model for the use of all digital platforms in order to reduce the abandonment rate;
  • Structured training course for trainers for 3 days training in Linz, Austria.
  • Improvement of in use through training and design of complementary digital tools;
  • Implementation of proposed improved models/ new models;
  • Collection of relevant data for the use of the digital tools in order to understand reasons of early abandonment of the use of these tools;
  • Elaboration of a common model to simplify all digital platforms.
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