Brave New Words

Project Number: 2019-1-PL01-KA204-064981
Timespan of the Project: 01-11-2019 / 30-04-2022

Project E-mail:

  • Increase the quality of the educational and “caregiving” process of staff working with people with SpLD.
  • Provide proper tools to teachers, trainers and other staff members for working with people with SpLD.
  • Increase the quality of the learning process to people with SpLD.
  • Increase the quality of the adult inclusive education in the countries involved.
  • Increase the cooperation among European different entities working in field of inclusive.
  • Education, and technology development.
  • To develop a guideline for teachers and educators on 3DPrinting and Augmented Reality to use them whit people with SpLD
  • To develop 20 exercises (10 in 3D printing and 10 in Augmented Reality) to help people with SpLD in their learning process
  • To test all the materials realized during the implementation of the project with the target group involved.
  • To realize a set of webinar to disseminate the project as much as possible.
  • A guideline for teachers and trainers about the use of 3DPrinting and Augmented Reality.
  • A set of exercises for using the 3DP and AR with people with SpLD.
  • A pilot phase.
  • A set of webinar to maximize the impact of the final training version.
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