3D4KIDS: Secondary Education for and through the 3D Printing

Project Number: 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036669
Timespan of the Project: 01-10-2017/31-03-2020

Project E-mail: info@ceipes.org

  • To feed an industry that is in high growth as is the 3DP of their “target groups”: students.
  • To improve educational transversal skills of the students through the use of 3D Printing.
  • To heightened concentration of pupils with Attention Deficit Disorder.
  • To improve 3DP skills of middle and secondary school teachers without technologic background as the best way to transfer this innovative knowle- dge to 21st century students.
  • To work in a cross curricular way among Departments in schools so that this technology is not confined to a single subject area.
  • To use ICT and 3DP to develop innovative teaching and learning practices.
  • To know first-hand the educational systems in every country participating in the project.
  • To develop a methodology for teachers about how to develop designs of didactic exercises suitable to be 3D printed.
  • To develop 30 3D printing exercises for improving skills of students on the different subjects of schools.
  • To develop a mobile tool for containing the 3D designs, including gathering the specifications and need of the platform from the teacher.
  • To connect the 3DP industry and the school community in Europe through the creation of a database with 3DP services providers and European.
  • To develop pilot tests in the countries involved in the project testing the exercises created by the teachers to their students in the classrooms.
  • Guide for teachers about how to develop designs of didactic exercises suitable to be 3D printed.
  • Open Catalogue of 3D printing format exercises for improving skills of students on the different subjects of schools.
  • Innovative and intuitive software tool to contain the 3D printing kits of exercises including a guide for 3D printing focused on school education.
  • Networking software tool for connecting schools and 3D printing industry service providers.
  • Report of the use of 3D printing in European Schools using 3D4KIDS tools, exercises and methodology.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 
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