MEcoS RNet (2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000033670), Mini-Ecosystems Regional Networks, is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and implemented by a consortium composed by Kyiv Business School (UKRAINE), National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria (BULGARIA), Wyzsza Szkola Turystyki i Ekologii (POLAND), Interdisciplinary Network of Special and Intercultural Education “Include” (GREECE) and Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo, CEIPES (ITALY).


The main objective of MEcoS RNet is stimulating sustainable growth in rural territories through the promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment. The project addresses two principal targets: youth, aged 18-35, and silver age, aged over 50.


On the 7th of December 2021, partners from participating countries met online to present their organisations and expertise; moreover, they started discussing about the implementation of the project and next events.

MEcoS RNet will produce three outputs: a “Business education for entrepreneurs” course, an “Entrepreneurship for all” Massive Online Open Course and an “International training and consulting centre” specialized educational online platform. Through the implementation and dissemination of these project results, the Consortium plans to foster member of rural and disadvantaged areas to the creation of mini-ecosystems into their local communities, to start sustainable and local-based growth. 


Quality of the activities will be assured by the cooperation among academic institutes and NGOs, whose strong expertise in entrepreneurial promotion and innovative education are unquestionable.

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