Project name: Inclusive Impro Theatre
Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA227-SCH-095356
Duration: 01-03-2021 to 28-02-2023
Funded by: Co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Coordinator: Liceul Teoretic Grigore Moisil Timisoara
Partners: CEIPES, I and F Education and Development, Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii
Permanente Timisoara Asociatia, De La Salle College, Brainlog, Smart Umbrella, Directorate Of Primary Education Of Western Thessaloniki.


The first meeting for Inclusive Impro Theatre was held online in March 2021 and it brought together eight partners from five different countries to launch the project and plan the first steps.

Inclusive Impro Theatre departs from the context of two significant issues in European society: social exclusion and early school drop-out. These issues, and other complications with school education, have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Combating social and cultural disadvantages in the school environment is a fundamental need for our countries and the fight for social inclusion must be a priority for all European institutions, particularly in the wake of the worldwide pandemic crisis.

Inclusive Impro Theatre therefore aims to promote social inclusion and fight against early school leaving through creativity and theatre, in primary and secondary schools.
The project will develop the narration and dramatisation of everyday current problems through the values latent in universal, traditional and classical stories. These stories have power because of their connection between imagination and reality, because of their capacity to make people live adventures and because they stimulate the capacity to see the world as something new and different.

The project partners will start the project by developing a map of the values found in the stories chosen for the project, and will focus on gathering knowledge about creativity and arts as a basis for an in-depth investigation of the ways in which creativity works between the participating countries, and how it is understood, applied and promoted. Following this, the project will work on “Improvisation for Creativity” activities – familiarising students with the theatrical methods of interpretation and improvisation by carrying out workshops focussing on the development of visual, verbal, and body expression. Finally, the 12 stories chosen for the project will be adapted according to the problems relevant to the local contexts of each of the partner organisations’ regions and schools they will work with, and thus a series of theatrical plays will be developed and performed.

We expect the project to encourage the development of students’ creativity, promote their self-esteem, achievements, success, respect, and sense of social belonging. Being aware of these changes in their students, we expect that teachers will have increased satisfaction and that a more positive environment will be promoted in their classrooms.

Finally, the project hopes to train future facilitators in order to deliver the project outputs to around 320 teachers and school management staff.

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