GANYMED – The works on the projects continue!

GANYMED – Geragogy ANd Young MEDia (project number: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005745) is a project focused on helping people 70+ to access the digital world so that Is possible for them to improve the inclusion in the daily and social life. Due to the covid pandemic the need of use technologies such as smartphone and computer is increased, but a large part of the population is excluded from the access to the digital world due to a lack of knowledges and skills that need to be learned in order to use efficiently these devices.

Ganymed want to use the methodologies of Geragogy to create a learning course that give to the elder the tools to learn these knowledges in an adequate and fruitful way.

On 6-7 July CEIPES hosted the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the project, during the meeting we had the possibility to discuss about the ongoing project focusing our attention on the next action to do.

We also had a great workshop thanks to the conduction of The Karlsruhe University of Education that made possible to construct the bases for the future learning platform that will be implemented through the project. The Learning platform is based around a process of storytelling that make possible with the introduction of character to create an interactive learning that is adapted to the needs of 70+ users.

During the project we have already produced different research and report that are available for download in the website.

Ceipes is managing the dissemination part of the project and will be in charge of the organization of webinars and pilot test for the platform that will take place online starting from September, thanks to the effort of all the partners we had a fruitful meeting that made clear which are the next step to follow to achieve a good quality of the implementation.

You can follow us and know more of the Ganymed project in the social pages of the project: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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