The event “EmozionalMente: discovering emotional intelligence”, organised by CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development – was held on Thursday 21 October 2021 at the former Church of San Mattia dei Crociferi, in Palermo. The conference was organised as the final event of the project SEL in Action – number: 2018-1-HU01-KA201-047797 -funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education.

The first scheduled speech provided participants with a general overview of the project SEL in action. The main objectives, the activities carried out in the different countries and the results of the project were presented.

The consortium coordinated by OKIDE – Hungary – also involves CEIPES (Italy) and Bernardo’s – English training institution. Several Hungarian associated partners also took part in the project: Humàn Innovàciòs Csoport Nonprofit Kft; MESE Salgòtarjàn; KOZ-PONT IF JUSAGI EGYESULET; Vàltozò Vilàgèrt Alapitvàny; SZOCIOGRAMM Nonprofit Kft.

SEL in Action Project aims at joining already existing actions based on SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and, building upon their experiences and best practices, at taking to greater inclusion of social and emotional learning in public education.  SEL methodologies can play a crucial role in positively affecting school climate, influencing the way teachers build relationships with students and colleagues. It can also have a positive impact on relationships within the classroom and the way in which conflicts and problematic situations are handled.

The event provided an opportunity to describe the activities implemented, as well as to analyse the main results achieved by the Consortium:

  • The 14-week SEL curriculum, containing activities aimed at developing competences such as: knowledge and self-awareness, self-regulation, decision making, social awareness and interpersonal skills
  • SEL White Paper and case studies, to be brought to the attention of policy makers and stakeholders active in the field of education
  • LTTA and study visits to Italian and Hungarian Universities

The activities carried out at the “Istituto Comprensivo Maredolce”, in Palermo, were also discussed: there, teachers and pupils of the primary and middle school classes tried out some of the activities developed through the SEL Curriculum in the classroom.

It is also worth mentioning the speech by Dr. Clelia Raucea, a psychologist expert in Developmental Learning Disorders and/or Disabilities, also specializing in Systemic and Relational Psychotherapy. Dr. Raucea made her own contribution through a very interesting speech on Social Emotional Learning, telling the audience about one of the activities she undertakes together with the children she follows, i.e writing stories “by many hands”.

Finally, Irene Capozzi – head of the Rise-Lab – spoke about “Our Way of SEL – HUGBIT”, telling the experience of the participants who took part in the cultural exchanges in Italy and Hungary.

The event – which involved more than 25 participants – was extremely important, not only to disseminate the results of the SEL in action Project, but also to raise awareness of the importance to be placed within educational contexts with regard to emotions, both on ours and on those of others.

If you would like to know more about SEL in action Project, please visit the website:

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