From the 19th to the 20th September 2019 Ceipes hosted 4 partners form different countries for the last transnational meeting of the Digital-S in rural areas Project.

The project is carrying out by 5 partners: CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy), Familles Rurales (France), SSW Collegium Balticum (Poland), INFODEF- Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación (Spain) and CPIP – Center for promoting lifelong learning (Romania) and it is funded by the European Commission within Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation, Exchange of good practices and for adult education).

DIGITAL-S aims to experiment and develop the effective use of ICTs for trainers willing to keep pace with digital technology in the field of training. The project will particularly focus on distance education learning for adult learners from rural areas having urgent specific needs to enhance their digital skills as an essential European key skill.

The meeting had a very fruitful Agenda.The main points disussed were the results of the project concerning the guide for the trainers, the e-leraning course on the Ceipes Platform and the Multiplier events organisied in the different countries involved in the project.

It was nice and useful to share the results obtained in the different targets involved. The strengths and weaknesses of the project were also analysed and how this can be sustainable in the near future.

For more information on the project, visit the project website.

For follow the e-learning course on the digital skills, please create an account into the following platform:

For download the Giude for trainers click the following link:

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