The training chess platform is here!

Finally, the platform is here! CEIPES and the Consortium of the project “CHED – Chess platform for deaf people” (project number 613577-EPP-1-2019-1-RO-SPO-SCP) finalized the platform through which access the chess training.  

The platform has been developed in each language of the Consortium, that are English, Italian, Romanian, Greek, Turkish and Polish. The training course created is available in Sign Languages, accompanies by animation and subtitles. You can read more about that here.

CEIPES collaborated to the development of the training and of the platform, creating the needed material and arranging pilot sessions for its test and evaluation. In fact, all the Consortium collected assessment data to ensure the best quality of the material. This is part of the evaluation assessment result. 

To access the platform, users can register their own account or log in as a guest. What change is the possibility to track the progress of the learning and to make a test to obtain the attestation certificate.  

In the platform is possible to take a look on the report and on the curriculum and lists of skills. 

CEIPES is very proud of the obtained result, since the lack of innovative and interactive instruments in chess for deaf people. Instead, the building of the project deliverables can have a strong impact in the local deaf community, contributing to break the barriers in the field of sport and chess. 

If you want to take a look on the platform or access the training, you can click here.

Besides, you can stay updated following the project Facebook page and visiting the website!

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