CEIPES hosts the CESAE Digital for a Job Shadowing about Digital Skills

A new partner has chosen CEIPES ETS for a Job shadowing mobility, financed by Erasmus+ Programme – Learning mobility of individuals activity within the field of Adult education.

From July 23rd to 25th, three representatives of CESAE Digital, training centre based in Porto (Portugal), have visited CEIPES’ office and other reality related to the digital field.
During the visit, we had the chance to share insights on CEIPES organization with its RiseLab Centre, different projects connected to the Digital sector, such as IOTOAI , NEWECOSMART, Digi Helicon, XR-SKILL , DASS – Dance Against Stressful Situations and to have interactive workshops on Coding and Virtual Reality used for educations purposes.

CEIPES ETS was also hosted by PUSH, a Lab for social innovation and sustainability in Palermo, for an exchange of good practices, which was particularly successful.

Lastly, the group was introduced to Sicilian culture and had the opportunity to visit new and interesting Museums in Palermo: MEC Museum , the first museum of the computer revolution in Sicily, the Digital Museum of Photography, opened up in Villino Favaloro just 5 months ago, and MINIMUPA, an educational, immersive and interactive Museum for families.

The participants throughout the visit showed a high motivation in learning new tools and methods that may be useful for their organization, and they particularly appreciated the proposed activities giving positive feedback at the evaluation stage.

For CEIPES ETS as always it was the occasion for a successful mutual exchange and for starting a new fruitful cooperation.

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