Re-Write: 2nd Transnational Meeting

Re-Write: 2nd Transnational Meeting

RE-WRITE: the second trasnational meeting The 2nd Transnational Meeting of the Re-Write project was held on 10 December 2021. The meeting took place online, in full compliance with the Covid-19 regulations and the host partner Asociación La Bien Pagá Espacio Escénico...
Project “USE OR LOSE”, II Transnational Meeting in Palermo!

Project “USE OR LOSE”, II Transnational Meeting in Palermo!

From the 9th to the 10st of May, CEIPES hosted the Second Transnational Meeting of the project ‘Use or Lose’ in Palermo (Italy). The project “USE OR LOSE” is implemented by a consortium of 6 organizations from 5 different countries: the University of Kahramanmaras...