BECOME BUSY 2.0 – The partners meet in Amsterdam

CEIPES and all the partners of the “Become Busy 2.0” project (KA205, project number: 2020-3-EL02-KA205-006663) met in Amsterdam on 23 and 24 June to discuss progress in the implementation of activities and to outline the way forward.

The partners involved in the meeting were Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias Kai Synoxis (Greece), ILA (Netherlands) – who hosted the meeting, CEIPES (Italy), Asociaciòn Cultural y Deportiva Lahoya (Spain), PSICT (Greece), S.E.A.L Cyprus (Cyprus).

This project ties in with European objectives in entrepreneurial education and training, aiming to create a healthy environment where entrepreneurs can evolve and grow by approaching specific population groups (such as the young people), and strengthen the status of entrepreneurs as a model for young people. Through the Europe 2020 strategy and its flagship initiatives on “New skills and jobs”, “Digital Agenda for Europe”, “Innovation Union”, “Youth on the move”, EU promotes and supports entrepreneurship by reinforcing Business culture and relevant knowledge, skills and competences that can enhance competitiveness and growth that is smart, sustainable, and inclusive.

The objectives of the project, which is the follow up of the “Become Busy” Erasmus+ project, are: to create an attractive, innovative, interactive, business promotion tool that will benefit many young people across Europe (E-Platform Become Busy – B.B.), to cultivate among young people (through non-formal learning) the concept of entrepreneurship, to help them become aware of and acquainted with the skills of an entrepreneur, to make participants in transnational seminars aware of their qualities and potential as European citizens and to interact in an intercultural environment free of stereotypes and bias, to spread the E-Platform “Become Busy – B.B.” to organizations active in the field of youth and entrepreneurship so they can use it as an innovative tool (in European and national level), and to strengthen the project’s Partner Organizations by expanding their network of collaborations.

During the meeting, the partners discussed the next events to be organized, one of which will be an LTTA to be held in Palermo from 17 to 21 October 2022, as well as project communication and dissemination strategies. The next LTTA will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in November 2022.

The project results expected by February 2023 will be: a need analysis on virtual pre-incubators usage strategy, an e-Business Plan tool, the implementation of the previous Become Busy online platform with a Business Simulation tool, and a digital library containing online educational materials.

If you want to know more and stay updated, you can follow the main Facebook page of the project at or the CEIPESFacebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.


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