For six years, the European Week of Sport, code name EWOD, has helped tackle the inactivity crisis by encouraging people to gain a healthy and active lifestyle. Launched in 2015, the European Week of Sport was created in response to the worsening inactivity crisis.

Despite sport and physical activity substantially contributing to the well-being of European citizens, the level of physical activity is currently stagnating and even declining in some countries.

The European Week of Sport exists – to bring awareness of how important an active lifestyle is for everyone. Regardless of who we are and what we do, even slight increases in regular, physical activity can have a profound impact on our long-term health.

2020’s extenuating circumstances have made the week more necessary than ever before. Earlier this year, the European Commission responded by developing the #BeActiveAtHome campaign. 

We as CEIPES thanks to the many projects carried out through the Erasmus+ Sport programme, have always supported the importance of physical activity, both as a tool for inclusion and as a vehicle for promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle.

For this reason our organisation agreed to take part in the promotional campaign launched by the European Commission, joining the Be Active campaign and disseminating the sporting activities carried out, through short videos posted on our social accounts.

The Week has continued to grow year after year, encouraging ever more Europeans to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. From five million participants and 7,000 events in 2015, the 2018 edition drew in a staggering 12 million participants across 48,500 events.

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