The 1st Webinar. Digital Literacy for Social Participation by Older People

On the 6th October 2022, was held the first webinar of GANYMED – Geragogy ANd Young MEDia (project number: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005745). On this online encounter the consortium had the opportunity to present themselves, their organisations and their role on the project to the public.  

The GANYMED project is mostly based on the Geragogy concept and methods, the science of education in old age. The speakers also presented and explained the 9 geragogical principles: 

  1. Linking reflection, learning, and action. 
  2. Self-determination in the learning process. 
  3. Equal attitude. 
  4. Learning through experience and exchange. 
  5. Contact, community and being included. 
  6. Integration of social space and life contexts. 
  7. Designing stimulating and safe places of learning. 
  8. Addressing values in the learning process. 
  9. Differentiation in the learning process. 

The GANYMED project was born because of the lack of possibilities and competences of teachers in the field of media education of seniors, who generally are not developed and promoted well enough, and their skills are not tailored to the special needs of the older generations. The project GANYMED reacts to this situation and postulates that this deficit is best addressed by better training teachers to prepare seniors for the competent use of digital media and to let them take part in the digital communication world of our society. 

The participants were also invited to attend to the next Webinar about Storytelling as a tool of learning. Save the date for listening more about this interesting topic! 

If you couldn’t participate, don’t worry!

All the webinars will be uploaded in the project Youtube channel 

You can follow us and know more of the Ganymed project in the social pages of the project: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

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