Un nuovo Training course, intitolato “3I: Innovating youth work, multiplying inclusion and active citizenship” è stato approvato in Portogallo. CEIPES è alla ricerca di 2 partecipanti italiani che siano interessati a questo progetto.

Periodo: Dal 6 al 14 ottobre
Dove: Lisbona (Portogallo)
Partecipanti: 2
Lingua del progetto: Inglese

The training will explore the topics of social inclusion and active citizenship in order to increase the involvement of young people in their local context.
The overall aim is to empower the young people engaged in youth organizations with new tools and competences to promote inclusive growth and youth participation in democratic life.
The seminar will be about the 3I:
– Increase the quality, the effectiveness and the attractiveness of the youth worker’ activities,
– Innovate the inclusion and active citizenship’ initiatives of the youth organization,
– Include more young people in the society providing them new tools and a strong motivation to become active and responsible citizens.

Description of the activities
The TC is a direct outcome of the 1st phase of the project: the Seminar held in march 2015 during which each partner organization has presented and improved several NFE tools to tackle the issues of inclusion and democratic participation. Thus, during the TC such tools will be implemented in their new improved form.
The main pillars of the training will be: Human Rights and Global Education, Inclusion and Social capital, Active Citizenship and Democratic Participation, leaving also some space for meeting with local stakeholders and to plan follow-up activities.

Final publication
The results of both the Seminar and the TC will be gathered in a handbook that will be disseminated and available on-line. The handbook will promote youth work and civic participation and will contain the NFE resources on inclusion and active citizenship presented during the Seminar and implemented during the training course.

Who can participate
2 participants from each partner organization.
They are:
• junior youth workers or young people having connection and/or volunteer’s experience with their sending organization in order to act as youth multipliers later on;
• interested in developing knowledge and competences on inclusion and active citizenship;
• committed to collaborate for the editing of the final publication:
• be aged between 20 – 30;
• able to attend the full duration of the training course.
People with fewer opportunities with some volunteer experience in youth activities at local level are welcomed.

Condizioni economiche
– Vitto ed alloggio sono coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante.
– I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 100% su un massimale di spesa di 275€. Spese superiori saranno a carico dei partecipanti.
– Quota di partecipazione 50 euro (tessera associativa CEIPES)

Per candidarsi inviare CV e application form compilata entro e non oltre le 16 del 27 agosto 2015 all’indirizzo mobility@ceipes.org. Maggiori informazioni nell’Infopack. SELEZIONE CHIUSA

– Application Form

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